6 Photo Editing Mistakes I Wish I Knew Earlier
Discover the 6 most common mistakes people make when editing the sky in landscape photography and how to fix them. Get natural skies in your landscape images!
TourBox Elite - My Favorite Editing Console for Capture One
Let’s discover how this little but powerful editing console called TourBox Elite can really change the way you work on your images. It’s now my favorite controller for Capture One Pro and many other software I use for post-processing my photos.
Your Images Are Fake! A True Landscape Photographer Wouldn’t Use Photoshop.
Photography doesn't end with pressing the shutter; it ends with the finished product. Let's discover why post-processing is so important to convey the emotion or story of your landscape photos.
Make Your Photos Look 3D with Dodge and Burn in Capture One 23
Discover how you can increase the three-dimensionality and bring out the depth of your images with Dodge and Burn in Capture One 23. This is a very effective editing technique that I really believe is going to take your post-processing to the next level.